Sunday, February 7, 2010

Over a month of Paleodining done

And I love it!!!!

I enjoy my food more, no longer the same old cereal every day. Instead I have breakfast with bacon, eggs and some mushrooms and/or tomato, or smoked salmon with creamcheese and lettuce or cucumber, or a grilled piece of fish with stir-fried vegetables. And when I'm in a rush I resort to a home-made, all-fruit, smoothie.
For lunch it can be anything, depending on what I have at hands, can I cook? Do I have a microwave? Leftovers are great for lunch, so are soup, salad, quiche (without the pastry exterior) and all things that are breakfastfood for me.
I didn't even like bread to begin with, I ate it because it was supposed to be a good and healthy filling.
Now for dinner is where it gets interesting: what do you do with endive (andijvie) if you can't mash it with potatoes? The same for Sauerkraut. Inventiveness is the key. I found a nice stir-fry dish for the endive and I prepared the sauerkraut with crème fraîche, minced meat and herbs.

"Wait, what? Did you mention creamcheese and crème fraîche? What happened to the no dairy?"
Yup, I did mention that. I'm taking a liberal view on the no-dairy thing. I've cute down a lot on normal milk, but am still using processed milk, like cheeses and yoghurt and crème fraîche. It just makes cooking so much easier and half of the Paleo guidelines do include certain types of dairy.

I have to run now, but I will write more later!


  1. Way to go! What are the results? Are you feeling better? I guess we'll hear more about that later this week then :)
    Being a bit more liberal with dairy does make life a lot easier.

  2. Update posted!! You know I actually do feel better... Haven't had any reflux since I started tthe diet!
    I am tired lately though, but that's more due to lack of sleep :p
